Contact us
If you are interested in taking office space at the hive, or would like more information about our facilities or business support then please contact us using the form below or get in touch;
6, Beaufighter Road, Weston-super-Mare,
North Somerset, BS24 8EE
Leave us a message
How to find us
Directions to the hive
Local foot/cycle paths are connected to National Cycle Route 33.
the hive is located less than 5 minutes drive from J21 of the M5. From M5 J21 take the A370 towards Weston-super-Mare. Continue straight across first roundabout. At next (second) roundabout, take exit left on to A371 to Banwell. the hive is located off the 3rd exit of the first roundabout (signposted Weston Business Quarter) on Beaufighter Road, just after The Landing Light pub.
The closest bus stop is outside the Helicopter Museum. Please check the First Bus website for the latest services.
the hive is close to three train stations:
Weston Milton